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Join Musicpreneur Club

We are a community that has more than 60 songwriters in the talent pool. All of them are well-trained to understand the music business especially their rights on music copyright and ways of license their own music to make music their sustainable career. Join Musicpreneur Club today! 我们拥有60多位签约词曲作者的社区。他们都受过相关的音乐和版权培训,对音乐业务有一定的认知,尤其是产权的权利和授权的知识以加以扶持他们有能力持续在自己的音乐事业上发展。今天就加入我们 !

We support and help songwriters to 我们给予词曲作者的扶持包括:

  1.  We train them to understand authorship and the rights of the copyright.

  2.  We help them to open up royalty income channels with relevant Collective Management Organization (CMO).

  3.  We provide worldwide song distribution services and help to track royalty incomes.

  4.  We set up networking sessions and initiate in-house collaboration with writers to produce songs.

  5.  We give support to song production and music video production.

  6.  We support them by giving music business consultations and marketing tips to boost their sales in song licensing management.

  7.  Entitle to job opportunities on producing music with our expert team, such as commercial jingles writing, film scoring, games music production, and many more.

Criteria to Join Us 加入我们的条件:

  1. At least five (5) full production songs, which are qualified and ready to be released.

  2. The qualification of the five (5) works submitted is to be approved by our in-house panel of producers/directors.

  3.  The candidate must be a multi-talent musician, who must at least be able to compose melody, lyric, and sing/arrange/program music.

  4. The candidate must be a member of Musicpreneur Gold Club
    必须是Musicpreneur Club 的金牌会员

  5. Pass through our audition and interview

Writer Members Dashboard

This section is ONLY open for Exclusive Writer Club Members 

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